I had a conversation with someone recently about how so many people we know (or vaguely know) seem to spend a lot of time "Putting on Airs". It's amazing how we want people to think certain things about us, whether they are true or not....
This made me think of a conversation that my college roommate and I used to have about wondering what people were really thinking. My roomie said she wished we all had signs across our foreheads that told everyone else what was really going on in our minds. I said I was glad that we didn't. Hee hee...
So, for a Monday afternoon activity, put your "Airs" aside and comment about what's really going on in your sweet little head. Tell us who you really are... when all the masks are off.
I'll start:
I'm a Momma who questions her parenting constantly, then feels comfortable with her decisions, then gets jacked up again. I love my husband tons and love my marriage more. I want you to like me, and I want to make you laugh. I am constantly "behind" and often disorganized. But overall, I think I'm a good time.
Your turn....
Okay Becky, this is going to be worse than probably the last time I shared at MOMS. My marriage is broken, I'm praying for a miracle, everytime I see a glimmer of hope, I feel satan snatch it away. I'm hurting but growing into the woman I want my daughter to be proud of!( I know don't end a sentence in a preposition)
I'm a good dad and a pretty good husband. I have a huge fear of success that keeps me from reaching my potential. I want everyone to think I'm awesome and at the same time I'm afraid I can't live up to people's expectations. I used to be nicer and more Christ-focused, and it bothers me that I changed.
i am so glad for the t.v. that has been on for the past hour(at least), i have a raging sinus infection and if i had to hear my kids argue one more time i don't think i could take it.
great post idea.
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